Fit Shepherds Newsletter
Fit Shepherds Newsletter
Having Faith in a Time of Fear

Having Faith in a Time of Fear

After last weekend’s workout, I asked several Fit Shepherds to share their thoughts on faith, which is highly pertinent during these crazy times. You can hear their answers in the audio above. I appreciate the guys who shared their thoughts as they were very inspirational.

In the meantime, to inspire you all with more thoughts on faith, see the quotes below. One day at a time, fellas, praying, praying, praying one minute at a time.


Faith is the answer to fear. Deep down we are all afraid: of suffering, or of dying, or of God’s judgment, or of the unknown, or of weakness, or of our lives slipping out of our control, or of not being understood and loved. We sin because we fear. We bully because we are cowards. Faith casts out fear as light casts out darkness. God has shone His light into our world, and it is stronger than darkness (John 1:5). That light is Jesus Christ.

— Peter Kreeft, Catholic theologian and author


You can never predict in advance how things will turn out. Anyone who is extrapolating the decline of the Church in academic, statistical fashion from the situation in Europe is failing to recognize the unpredictable nature of human history in general – and in particular, God’s power to take the initiative by intervening, as He is always able to do.

—Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

— Philippians 4:6-7


The worst enemy of a fragile faith — curious, isn’t it? — is fear. Do not be afraid! We are frail and we know it, but He is stronger! If you walk with Him, there is no problem! A child is very frail — I have seen many children today — but if they’re with their father, with their mother, they are safe. With the Lord we are safe. Faith grows with the Lord, from the very hand of the Lord; this helps us grow and makes us strong.

— Pope Francis


God's love calls us to move beyond fear. We ask God for the courage to abandon ourselves unreservedly so that we might be molded by God's grace, even as we cannot see where that path may lead us.

— St. Ignatius Loyola


When we are overtaken by some unexpected misfortune or sorrow or are forced to undertake an unusually difficult job, we often forget to surrender ourselves into the hands of God and pray for help and peace of mind. Instead, we feel annoyed and discouraged and give vent to our feelings in a most unchristian manner.

“Why should it happen to me?”

This is the reaction of many people in such cases.

“It had to happen to me!” they say.

They forget that sanctity involves sacrifice, self-denial, and resignation to the will of God.

“The kingdom of heaven has been enduring violent assault, and the violent have been seizing it by force,” the Gospel says (Matthew 11:12).

In other words, if a man wants to win Heaven, he must be stern with himself and establish control over any perverse tendencies in his own nature.

— Cardinal Antonio Bacci

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Fit Shepherds Newsletter
We aim to help men grow in faith in simple and practical ways.